Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Red Betel Leaf

Flavors of red betel leaves are very bitter. The aroma is sharper when compared with the the green betel.

Red betel leaf has the effect of preventing premature ejaculation, anticonvulsant, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-dandruff, controlling blood sugar, liver, antidiarrheal, increase endurance, and relieve pain. Also believed to be able to overcome pneumonia, bronchitis, gingivitis, bleeding nose or nosebleeds, and coughing up blood.

Red betel leaf extract is also capable of deadly fungus Chandida albicans causes thrush. In addition, efficacious in reducing the secretion of the vagina, vaginal discharge and itching in the genitals, as well as wound cleanser (antiseptic effect).

Empirically red betel leaf extract in a single use or formulated with other herbs to limit the variety of complaints. Examples of blood sugar disorders, acute inflammation of the organ of the body, difficult to heal wounds, breast cancer and uterine cancer, leukemia, tuberculosis and hepatitis, hemorrhoids, heart disease, high blood pressure, and uric acid.
Red betel contain flavonoids, alkoloid, polifenolat compounds, tannins and essential oils. Utilizing this red betel leaves, except in the form of fresh, you can also wear sun drying techniques. Alkaloid content is considered to function as an antimicrobial.
If made ​​herbal tea can treat gout, high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, or fatigue.
Herb Heart
Take a medium-sized betel leaf sheets as much as 3-4 or 6-8 small pieces. Rinse, then sliced ​​into small pieces. Boil 4 cups of water (800 ml) to boiling and the remaining 2 cups, then strain. The herb is drunk while warm, twice daily before meals. Drink one glass.
Herb Diabetes
Pick three and a half of red betel leaves and old leaves from the top of the sixth or seventh. Wash all the leaves, then slice into small pieces. Boil three cups of water (600 ml) to boiling and the remaining 1.5 cups. Drink three times daily before meals, to drink half a glass.
Herb Female Organs
Red betel leaf is old by 8 sheets washed, then sliced ​​1 cm wide. Boiled with 800 ml of water until boiling. Once cool, used to clean the female organ twice a day.
Inflammation of The Eye
Take the red betel leaves are somewhat younger (fifth leaf from top) of 4 sheets, wash. Boil two cups water to boil and the remaining one cup. Once cool, the water used to soak a sore eye.
How to use: Eye clean (washing up) and then soaked with boiling water to taste red betel use special glasses. Use no more than three times daily to avoid irritation to the lining of the eye.
and much more 

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